Friday, November 6, 2009

life is good

So, I don't want everyone out there to think that being a new mom is all about mistakes and stress. Well, that's a lot of it, but there's obviously a whole lot of positives to it too. If there weren't why would people go back for more, right?

When you're pregnant you're in a fog. You get big and huge (I gained about 40 lbs) and everyone stares at you when you walk into a room. People love to touch your belly and tell you that you're glowing. While all of this is going on you never really register the idea that in a few short months you will soon be someone's mother. It's like you get stuck into this weird tunnel and you're moving slowly for awhile and then all of the sudden you get sucked out into the light and someone changes your life forever.

As you've seen from my previous posts, that little someone does not make life easy for you. Not gonna lie, the first few weeks are really tough. So tough, in fact, you might even look at your husband and say, "what have we done?" Like everything else difficult in life, things do get easier.

Everyone always tells you that the beginning is the hardest part and that it really does get easier. I mean it has to, right? When you're in those first couple of months it's hard to imagine how life could possibly get better. You're sleep deprived, stressed out and you have no time to think of anything but this tiny little person. Then, out of no where, the sun finally shines. Without a sign that says 'turn here for happiness,' your life begins to turn around. I think the first 3 months should be called the "newborn slump." As soon as you start heading towards months 4 and 5 something just snaps into place and life is pretty good.

I've been lucky. Sadie came out of her slump in the earlier weeks. We got full nights of sleep very early on and I'm convinced that's the key to true happiness. The other secret to my new blissful life is finger sucking. In the beginning pacifiers were like gold. Losing one or realizing that I didn't have one with me on an outing for the day was like what I would imagine hell to be like. A screaming baby with no solution = hell! Then, with some miracle from above, Sadie discovered these amazing little objects that she carries with her all of the time...fingers and toes.

Some people are so against finger sucking because you can never take them away and it's a bad habit to have when you are an older child (or a teen). Other people are concerned about teeth coming in crooked. My feeling on both of these concerns is...screw it! I can put Sadie in her crib for nap-time and bedtime now and she sucks away in silence. All I have to say to those crazies that are against it is...if my child's worst habit in life is finger sucking then I will be one lucky mama. Oh, and as far as her having some buck teeth...whatever! That's what braces are for, right?

Every newmie has their own self-soothing method for their child. What I've learned most from this crazy experience called newmiehood is that no one newmie should judge another. What works for my little one, might not work for yours. So your child might have perfectly straight, braces free teeth, while mine will be stuck in braces until her Bat Mitzvah. At least I've had a few months of pure bliss and technology has developed clear braces for my future teen:)

If you're currently in your newborn slump just remember that time goes by very fast. Like that wine that has made life easier these days (I'm not encouraging a drinking problem, but it does help), the babies get better with age. Be careful not to wish away those newborn slump days because once they're gone you'll look at your growing baby and want them to stay little forever. If you do'll be pregnant again. Let's not rush things ladies. Let's be honest, the wine tastes good and that skinny bitch in you is finally showing her face again.