Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the baby manicure

For most women manicures are a normal ritual.  If you live in Manhattan you can pretty much walk into any little Asian manicure place and come out spending about $10 and have pretty decent looking nails. You entrust these non-English speaking people, who claim to have beauty degrees, with your little paws and don't think twice.  So when it comes to your baby's nails why is trusting yourself to cut them the scariest task possible?

If you're a newmie you have probably already experienced cutting your baby's nails. I'm not sure how your experience went, but mine was less than enjoyable. When babies are first born their nails are often long and paper thin. In the first few weeks I was able to just gently peel Sadie's nails off to keep them from growing too long. As she gets older her nails have been growing as if she's on a prenatal vitamin (amazing for mommy's nails by the way).

My first experience with the nail clipper was pretty harmless. I think it went so well that it made me a little cocky with the clippers. When it came time for her second manicure I had no fear. I went in for the cut and thought I did a great job again. It wasn't until I notice blood all over her face that I realized something was terribly wrong. Without even knowing I clipped a piece of skin at the tip of her thumb. It clearly didn't even bother her because she didn't make a peep. I figured if this was the worst thing I would do as a newmie I shouldn't beat myself up over it.

Fast forward a couple of weeks. I am getting us ready for vacation and I toss in the nail clipper because I notice her nails are becoming lethal little weapons. After my husband telling me how long and razor-like Sadie's nails had become (I challenge him to cut them)I decided to go for it. I got through the first hand without a hitch. I moved on to hand number two and with the first cut a whaling scream came from her mouth. I looked down and almost fainted...I took a chunk of skin from my poor baby's pinky. It was something out of a slasher movie. The blood wouldn't stop and neither would the high-pitched screams. As her tears were flowing my eyes began to well up. As I'm panicking that I've probably destroyed my little girl, all I can think is 'I'm such a bad mommy...I'm such a bad mommy!' Everyone is racing around the house trying to figure out how to get the bleeding to stop. I'm doing everything to comfort her...pacifier (wouldn't take it), boob (not a chance) and to top it off the bleeding just wouldn't stop!

When we finally got the bleeding to stop we all needed a valium (too bad they don't make it for babies). The experienced scared me straight.  I vowed to never cut her nails again.  My husband claims he would try it next time.  I would love to see that happen:)  Maybe those little Asian nail salons are better than I give credit for.  Do you think they take appointments for newborns?

***Since starting this post I took the plunge and cut Sadie's nails again.  I think it was the two gashes on her face that pushed me over the edge.  Good news is I did it without any blood, sweat or tears.  Ok, maybe a little sweat.  


  1. It is the worst! I have had that experience plenty of times with Chloe and I finally decided that nail clipping is a two person job. I make J distract her while I do it. Oh and soon they start growing even faster. Chloe has to have her nails cut twice a week! I'm a total pro at in now though and can get both hands done in under 48 seconds :) You'll get there mama!

  2. Katie, I cut the whole tip of Matt's finger off. I slamed it in a door when he was like three. It was horrible, Jennie and Dan had to find the tip but it was too late to put it back on. So I am the worst mom EVER!!
