Thursday, September 3, 2009

i am officially a mid-western housewife

Yup, it's true.  I am now officially a mid-western housewife. I actually prefer the job title full-time mom.  After working at Abercrombie & Fitch for the last three years, I resigned from my job yesterday.  I was offered a deal I just couldn't refuse.  The job requirements are a bit different and I took a salary decrease, but I think it's going to be the perfect career.  My boss is one tough cookie.  She screams and even cries when she wants something from me and to top it all off she sleeps on the job (sometimes:)

I can't believe after five fast years working in an office I am starting my new career as mommy.  If you don't know me you're probably thinking, 'wow, only five years...she must be so young!' Don't forget, I live in the mid-west.  It's how we do it out here.  I moved to Columbus at 24 and by 27 I was married and poof, I had a baby.  Could it be the water?  People say that New York has the best bagels and pizza because their water is so great.  Maybe the water in Ohio makes you want to start a family young. Whatever it is, I clearly drink from the tap. 

I think I always knew I wanted to be a young mom, but if there's one thing I've learned over the last 11 weeks it's that nothing can prepare you for this job.  There really is never an easy time to have a baby. It's not like a regular job where there's training and you can ask your boss questions.  My boss can't even talk so it's not like she can tell me what to do.  There's no instruction manual.  You get home from the hospital and you're officially on the clock.   
Speaking of clocks...the hours are a bit different.  At my previous job I worked from about 8:30 to 6 and now I work 24/7.  I used to shower before I went to work and now I go to work in my pj's. Taking naps on the job is encouraged for all employees, but doesn't always happen.  Lately, I've even been sleeping with my boss.  You gotta do what you gotta do to get a raise around here.  

So, clearly my life has changed.  I didn't take the job for the money because I don't get paid.  I'm never going to climb the corporate ladder or be the CEO of a major corporation. Now, all it takes is a good burp and a big poop from Sadie at the end of the day to make me the happiest employee in middle America!

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