Wednesday, July 29, 2009

am i rotting her brain already?

I don't think I'll ever be the mommy that watches soap operas, but lucky for me the soap network has an all day line up of my favorite cheesy dramas (90210, The OC and One Tree Hill).  I guess they are today's soaps, so maybe I am the kind of woman that watches soaps.  Don't judge!  While I've been on maternity leave and clearly don't get out much, I keep the soap network on pretty much all day.  It's my guilty breast-feeding pleasure.  

So here's my question:  could my favorite pastimes be rotting my developing baby's brain?  Over the last couple of weeks Sadie has been much more alert and I have noticed her taking a great interest in Donna Martin graduating.  My newmie nuttiness thought, "oh my god I can't start corrupting her already."  So instead of being a totally type A mommy, I decided to put on a different channel, Noggin (pre-school tv).  I figured if she likes tv I'm not going to take the chance of upsetting her, but at least if I'm rotting her brain I'll rot it with something educational.  Now, instead of her first word being mama or dada it will probably be hello in Spanish or Japanese.  That would be impressive, wouldn't it?  Lucky for Sadie I'm easily entertained and a little Dora the Explorer never hurt anyone.  Maybe I should get more.  

The whole television thing got me thinking though...people get so crazy about everything with their children and have all of these ideas of how they plan to raise their kids.  I'm realizing more and more I have no idea what I'm doing and it's totally working.  I'm learning that the key to being a good mommy is being confident and faking it.  My husband is already buying it! He totally thinks I know what I'm doing. Shh don't tell:)

The bottom line is... when they are this little as long as their tiny brains are being stimulated in someway it shouldn't matter.  I'm sure studies would disagree, but what can I say, my daughter can't resist a little Dylan McKay (and neither can her mommy:) 

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