Thursday, July 30, 2009

fleas, really?

Today's post was going to be about the traumatic experience of Sadie's first shots yesterday, but lucky for me something much more eventful, or should I say itchy, occurred today.  Just when you think every thing's going great and you're starting to get the hang of things, life throws something tiny, black and itchy in the picture.  Thank god I'm not referring to anything involving Sadie.  No, this is all about my first baby, Rosie our adorable and sadly neglected doggy.  

My day started great.  After a full night of sleep (yes, I'm bragging) I decided to get a workout in while Sadie was having a morning snooze.  I gotta get back in those skinny jeans, remember? The workout came to a screeching halt when I got a call that still makes me itch when I think about it.  Rosie's groomer informed me that she might have been exposed to a flea-infested dog when she was there two days ago.  My initial, and ignorant thought was, "my perfect puppy couldn't possibly have fleas."  Then, my mind started racing.  Rosie basically sleeps on top of me every night.  As I felt the fleas crawling all over me I decided to give her a quick check.  To my absolute horror I saw one of those tiny terrors crawling on my poor pup's skin. 

Here's where I kicked in to crazy OCD mommy mode (I'm really not one of those people, but when it comes to bugs I don't mess around).  I frantically rushed Rosie to the car and grabbed Sadie.  I have now learned that when you seem terrified your child becomes terrified.  Sadie became hysterical (and so did mommy) as we rushed the flea bag back to the groomer for a flea bath.   

This is the tricky part and why mom's should really get paid for what they do.  I was on a mission to get the house spotless while the dog was away.  For an ordinary woman this is no big deal, but for a mom of a newborn it's the ultimate in multitasking.  Picture this: hysterical baby, vacuuming, laundry and the desperate need for a shower because you're convinced that you now have fleas.  I had to act fast so my first move was to put Sadie in her sling (best invention ever!  Newmies if you don't have a sling go buy one now).  I had free hands and a baby that was finally calming down.  I ran upstairs and stripped the beds, gathered up everything on the floor downstairs and loaded up the laundry.  Next move, grab the vacuum and kill kill kill.  With the other free hand... call husband to freak out (he was also feeling itchy, but managed to calm me down), then terminix, then the vet to make sure you're doing everything to free yourself from the itch.  Keep in mind that Sadie slept through all of this (again, the sling is amazing!), but woke up shortly after because it was time to eat.  Stop, breastfeed, change laundry, repeat.  Wow, I'm exhausted just typing all of this. 

People tell you that it's going to be tough.  They tell you that you'll be sleep deprived, but no one ever mentioned that there might be fleas involved.  I guess being a mom means dealing with anything that can be thrown your way.  All in a day's work. I think I need to ask for a raise:)  Now you're probably itching after reading this, right?


  1. I'm not itching, but im defintly going to have a drink after reading that....or should i say another drink!!

  2. Poor Rosie!! and poor Katie -- nice work - ur incredible. xo

  3. That sounded like you were moving in fast motion... and are now completely prepared for head lice. Same routine. Don't worry you have a few years. :)
